id |
ecaade2014_214 |
authors |
António Leitão and Sara Proença |
year |
2014 |
title |
On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages for Generative Design - The Case of Higher-Order Functions |
source |
Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 257-266 |
doi |
wos |
WOS:000361384700025 |
summary |
The expressive power of a language measures the breadth of ideas that can be described in that language and is strongly dependent on the constructs provided by the language. In the programming language area, one of the constructs that increases the expressive power is the concept of higher-order function (HOF). A HOF is a function that accepts functions as arguments and/or returns functions as results. HOF can drastically simplify the programming activity, reducing the development effort, and allowing for more adaptable programs. In this paper we explain the concept of HOFs and its use for Generative Design. We then compare the support for HOF in the most used programming languages in the GD field and we discuss the pedagogy of HOFs. |
keywords |
Generative design; higher-order functions; programming languages |
series |
eCAADe |
email |
full text |
file.pdf (291,125 bytes) |
references |
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2022/06/07 07:54 |