id |
ecaade2017_290 |
authors |
Di Giuda, Giuseppe Martino, Villa, Valentina, Ciribini, Angelo Luigi Camillo and Tagliabue, Lavinia Chiara |
year |
2017 |
title |
Theory of Games and Contracts to define the Client role in Building Information Modeling |
source |
Fioravanti, A, Cursi, S, Elahmar, S, Gargaro, S, Loffreda, G, Novembri, G, Trento, A (eds.), ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! - Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2017, pp. 161-168 |
doi |
summary |
This research focus on the application of Theory of Games and asymmetry information to the AEC sector underling the impact of these theories to the supply chain and in particular on the evolution of the client role in a Building Information Modeling process. The mentioned theories used to be applied to macroeconomic fields, but allowed the researchers to understand the evolution of the sector and the internal behavior of the team. This analysis of team behaviors permits to grasp how the contractual frame could hold up the natural trend of the market to collaborate, which leads the sector to improve itself. The Theory of Games could be adopted as a hermeneutic tool for understanding actions and agreements to which the various parties achieve. The research provided a global analysis on the evolution of the client role in a cyclical process. Further development of the research will be the application of the theory to a real case study to catch the real team behavior in a collaborative environment. |
keywords |
Building Information Modeling; game theory; contracts theory; hermeneutical approach |
series |
eCAADe |
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full text |
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references |
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2022/06/07 07:55 |