id |
ecaade2020_351 |
authors |
Kontovourkis, Odysseas, Stylianou, Sofia and Kyriakides, George |
year |
2020 |
title |
An open-source bio-based material system development for sustainable digital fabrication |
doi |
source |
Werner, L and Koering, D (eds.), Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age - Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 September 2020, pp. 31-40 |
summary |
The development of bio-based material systems and their correlation with digital design and fabrication processes is an ever-evolving area of research with a number of experimental investigations. One such direction of investigation is related to the use of mycelium-based materials, which can minimize environmental impact and energy consumption during production, but also can allow alternative sustainable construction approaches to come to the fore. This work proposes an open-source mycelium-based construction material development, emphasizing on three interrelated steps. Firstly, the fungi growth based on Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium. Secondly, the digital production of custom formworks and material casting for uniform growth and building components creation. Finally, the construction technique investigation based on layering and stabilization of components. Through the suggested open-source bio-based material system development, the aim is to provide an alternative approach in construction that involves an ecological material with low environmental impact, interrelated with digital fabrication and assembly processes. This might open new directions of investigation to the wider architecture and construction community, allowing further consideration and possible implementation of mycelium material towards a more sustainable construction. |
keywords |
Bio-based material; mycelium growth; digital fabrication; construction systems; sustainable construction |
series |
eCAADe |
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references |
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2022/06/07 07:51 |