id |
ecaade2022_448 |
authors |
Papanikolaou, Kyratsoula-Tereza, Liapi, Katherine and Sibetheros, Ioannis |
year |
2022 |
title |
Environmental Impact Assessment and Visualization of Rain-Water Best Management Practices for Urban Blocks - An "architect-friendly" simulation model |
doi |
source |
Pak, B, Wurzer, G and Stouffs, R (eds.), Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022) - Volume 2, Ghent, 13-16 September 2022, pp. 75–82 |
summary |
In order to implement stormwater best management practices (BMPs) in urban blocks in Greece and other cities with warm and dry climates, such as green roofs, porous pavements etc., it is crucial that architects are able to assess their environmental impact during the design process in an efficient and simple way, without the requirement of an in depth understanding of the complex hydrological processes. To achieve the above, an “architect-friendly” computer-based model, under development by the authors, is presented. The model can be used as a decision support tool by allowing an assessment of the efficacy of non-conventional, water-sensitive, stormwater management strategies in an urban environment, measured by the stormwater runoff mitigation and temperature decrease. Wind flow simulation data from an external CFD model can be integrated into the proposed model, in order to visualize wind flow patterns in selected urban blocks. The user is able to select different stormwater BMPs from a BMP library and apply them on the 3D urban block model, in order to achieve an improved “water sensitive” state. The ENVI-MET plugin for Rhino is used for simulating temperature decrease and the SCS Curve Number method for determining stormwater runoff reduction, caused by each BMP application. The visualization of the results in the graphical interface of the Grasshopper programming environment facilitates the study of the environmental impact of stormwater BMPs in urban blocks and the comparison of different stormwater management scenarios. Several urban blocks in Athens will be used as case studies to test the proposed model and assess the efficiency of the visualization process. |
keywords |
Stormwater Best Management Practices, Urban Blocks, Runoff Mitigation, Temperature Reduction, Decision Support Tool, Environmental Impact Visualization |
series |
eCAADe |
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full text |
file.pdf (960,007 bytes) |
references |
Content-type: text/plain
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2024/04/22 07:10 |