id |
ijac202220209 |
authors |
Tunçer, Bige; Francisco Benita |
year |
2022 |
title |
Data-driven thinking for measuring the human experience in the built environment |
source |
International Journal of Architectural Computing 2022, Vol. 20 - no. 2, pp. 316–333 |
summary |
This article introduces a methodology to implement Data-driven Thinking in the context of urban design. We present the results of a case study based on a 7-day workshop with 10 participants with landscape design and architecture background. The goal of the workshop was to expose participants to Data-driven Thinking through experimental design, multi-sensor data collection, data analysis, visualization, and insight generation. We evaluate their learning experience in designing an experimental setup, collecting real-time immediate environmental and physiological body reactions data. Our results from the workshop show that participants increased their knowledge about measuring, visualizing and understanding data of the surrounding built environment |
keywords |
Data-driven thinking, urban sensing, body reactions, pedagogy, design support |
series |
journal |
references |
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