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id sigradi2014_132
authors Hu, Yongheng; Qinying Li, Feng Yuang, Han Li
year 2014
title The BIM based Responsive Environmental Performance Design Methodology
source SIGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay- Montevideo 12,13,14 November 2014, pp. 120-125
summary The concept of “families” lies in the core of internal data structure in Building Information Modeling (BIM). The elements of this modeling platform are all associated with each other as parts of the “families”, independent of their geometrical structure, materiality, parametric dependencies or their physical connection to other elements. Through the associations introduced among the parameters of the ‘families’ members, this study aims at establishing a methodology for a multi-objective evaluation of the environmental performance of the building as an organism. The methodology is founded on a system of different values and weights attributed to the parameters of the families members which are adjusted and fine-tuned through a series of iterations, thus affecting the overall building performance towards an optimum goal. The performance evaluation method used in the “families” methodology is not limited to the individual assessment of the environmental performance objectives or to an integrated multi-objective weighting mechanism; as an overall evaluation platform it checks and balances the individual characteristics of the system not as static conclusive results but as dynamic criteria intended to guide the overall design and building process. The importance of this paper lies in the construction of a concrete methodological set of tools for the assessment of the environmental performance of the building. It will lead the way in independent research in the field of architectural design and the development of ecological thinking and building in China.
keywords BIM ‘families’; Multi-Objective Generic Algorithm; Environmental Performance Simulation; Multi-Objective Environmental Performance Optimization
series SIGRADI
full text file.pdf (380,965 bytes)
references Content-type: text/plain
Details Citation Select
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