id |
sigradi2022_112 |
authors |
Toledo, Jimena |
year |
2022 |
title |
The Role of Visual Platforms -visual Social Media- in the Creative Design Process |
source |
Herrera, PC, Dreifuss-Serrano, C, Gómez, P, Arris-Calderon, LF, Critical Appropriations - Proceedings of the XXVI Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2022), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, 7-11 November 2022 , pp. 639–650 |
summary |
In the current design practice, new digital tools have emerged -visual- also called Infrastructures (Perkel, 2011) such as; Behance 2003, Pinterest 2009, Archdaily 2008, Instagram (2010) -to cite the most recognized in the creative field in Argentina-, which promote different opportunities and support the creative process and problem solving, making it easier for designers to find inspiring material through the Internet. However, very little is known about how these new practices affect professional work, how they themselves see it and the tensions they generate.This article will present the results of a general survey applied to expert designers as part of the first stage of the Doctoral Research project. Which investigates the behavior referred specifically to the use of visual platforms -visual social media- in order to understand, characterize, describe the use and involvement of them within the design process. |
keywords |
Project processes - Creativity - Design process - Visual Social Media -Curatorial Practice |
series |
SIGraDi |
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full text |
file.pdf (596,805 bytes) |
references |
Content-type: text/plain
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2023/05/16 16:56 |